Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hurry! Why? No reason!

Big cities are evil...they make you feel so small...but you have to go there!
You have to be a part of it! You have to breath the polluted air! You have to be one with the crowd!

But you can't stand the can't stand people's eyes...still, you're a part of it!
You go to the supermarket to shop...but you can't find the soap you want and you've picked the wrong have to pay for what you've bought but you simply can't find where you've put your have to wait in the queue to check you're're late again!

You go home...empty! You turn on the television...pure garbage! You decide to listen to music...there's no real music, only noise! You make something to's tasteless! You go to sleep...nightmares! You wake up...routine!

Am I being a pessimist or is our life screwed up?

I hate big crowds. When I'm in places with lots of people I can't breath, I get nervous, scared, sometimes I even shake! It's not normal...I've managed to control my fear...I avoid can lie but you're eyes always reveal the truth...

I went to the record store and found my best friend, trying to find out what record she'd buy. It wasn't planned, it just happened...I spent ten minutes with her, long enough to make me smile!
I had to go somewhere I left her there and headed back to the hustle and bustle of the city...

Everybody seems to be busy...everybody walks fast...every body's gone mad...
Am I one of them? Perhaps...

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